Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas is Coming

Here is a little Christmas humor to help get you in the spirit after Thanksgiving and Black Friday. This is a funny parody of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another Post on 'Pray For You'

Glad someone blogged how much they liked the song. While this song is a fun way to let go of some steam when 'someone done you wrong', never forget these words of advice from Seinfeld; "Living well is the best revenge." That can give you incentive and drive to succeed and channel your emotions in a positive way.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Vote For Kelly

If you've been watching "Dancing with the Stars"then you know Kelly who. She epitomizes what LOSERS LEMONADE is about - you go girl!!!!! I love Donny Osmond he has done a great job and shown what a great performer, professional and all around great guy he is. I hope the final comes down to Donny vs. Kelly, that would be the best. Hey, there is a show they can take on the road - Donny Osmond and Ozzy Osbourne's daughter doing the tango maybe. VOTE!!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Classic Comedies to Make You Laugh Out Loud

When things are going badly and you aren't able to make any LEMONADE, then escape the trials and tribulations of daily life with one of these screwball comedies. Link in and laugh, you'll feel better.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So, I hope everyone sees yesterday's post as it was meant- just a little LEMONADE humor. We all know we shouldn't pray for such things to happen, but it is OK to laugh at ourselves once in awhile. Keep smiling.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pray for You

You know when someone has done you wrong, the best thing you can do for yourself is to forgive them. Stop letting the wrong done to you consume you. Here is a new song that addresses the issue of carrying a grudge and how to deal with it. It is from Jaron and the Long Road to Love. Let us know what you think of this song's recipe for LEMONADE :^)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sounds Like Life

Most of us think that when something bad happens to us it is because we are LOSERS. Well, the reality is - "it sounds like LIFE to me." That is why I love this song it puts things in perspective. Yup, "you got to suck it up - because it ain't no tragedy", just get out there and make some LEMONADE!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Michael J Fox - Optimist

Optimists take LEMONS and make LEMONADE!

With characteristic optimism, Fox describes his Parkinson’s diagnosis in terms of what it has added to, not taken away from, his remarkable life. “I once said to somebody that in a way it was a gift…it really taught me acceptance,” Fox said in a recent interview. “It taught me a lot about taking life on life’s terms. And it opened up a way for me to be of service that I hadn’t imagined before.”
Michael is an inspiration to millions of people worldwide. His humor and unfailingly positive outlook are visible in everything he undertakes. And that gives us all hope — at a time when we need it most.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Salute to These Brave Ladies

Just want to take a moment to salute two brave ladies. In the wake of the tragedy at Fort Hood these ladies made a difference.
A big LEMONADE toast to these heroes.

Monday, November 2, 2009


"People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity." — President John Adams

Remember when times are tough - you are building character - take those lemons and make lemonade :^)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ticket for selling Lemonade?????

I read this story and thought how stupid, here is an industrious kid who already understands about 'making LEMONADE' to succeed in life and they're going to give her a ticket. Big thumbs down for the stupidity in that ticket. You go girl.