Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Luck

From Rodney Dangerfield the comedian who was such a LOSER he got 'NO RESPECT'. "My luck is so bad that if I bought a cemetery people would stop dying."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas is Coming

This is a great time of year to think of others. I know that it is easy to get all caught up in ourselves - you know woe is me, I'm such a LOSER, my life sucks...blah, blah, blah. Hey, look around, the world is full of people who really are worse off then you! Get over yourself and do something for someone less fortunate this Christmas season. Oh, and don't forget to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Take the First Step

If you want to get there, you've got to take that first step.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Famous Christmas Trees

Tomorrow night they will be lighting one of the most famous Christmas trees - the tree in Rockefeller Center. But my favorite Christmas tree belongs to that 'Lovable LOSER' - Charlie Brown. Have you seen the latest in Christmas decorations? You can buy a replica of Charlie Brown's Christmas tree.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas is Coming

Here is a little Christmas humor to help get you in the spirit after Thanksgiving and Black Friday. This is a funny parody of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Another Post on 'Pray For You'

Glad someone blogged how much they liked the song. While this song is a fun way to let go of some steam when 'someone done you wrong', never forget these words of advice from Seinfeld; "Living well is the best revenge." That can give you incentive and drive to succeed and channel your emotions in a positive way.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Vote For Kelly

If you've been watching "Dancing with the Stars"then you know Kelly who. She epitomizes what LOSERS LEMONADE is about - you go girl!!!!! I love Donny Osmond he has done a great job and shown what a great performer, professional and all around great guy he is. I hope the final comes down to Donny vs. Kelly, that would be the best. Hey, there is a show they can take on the road - Donny Osmond and Ozzy Osbourne's daughter doing the tango maybe. VOTE!!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Classic Comedies to Make You Laugh Out Loud

When things are going badly and you aren't able to make any LEMONADE, then escape the trials and tribulations of daily life with one of these screwball comedies. Link in and laugh, you'll feel better.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So, I hope everyone sees yesterday's post as it was meant- just a little LEMONADE humor. We all know we shouldn't pray for such things to happen, but it is OK to laugh at ourselves once in awhile. Keep smiling.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pray for You

You know when someone has done you wrong, the best thing you can do for yourself is to forgive them. Stop letting the wrong done to you consume you. Here is a new song that addresses the issue of carrying a grudge and how to deal with it. It is from Jaron and the Long Road to Love. Let us know what you think of this song's recipe for LEMONADE :^)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Sounds Like Life

Most of us think that when something bad happens to us it is because we are LOSERS. Well, the reality is - "it sounds like LIFE to me." That is why I love this song it puts things in perspective. Yup, "you got to suck it up - because it ain't no tragedy", just get out there and make some LEMONADE!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Michael J Fox - Optimist

Optimists take LEMONS and make LEMONADE!

With characteristic optimism, Fox describes his Parkinson’s diagnosis in terms of what it has added to, not taken away from, his remarkable life. “I once said to somebody that in a way it was a gift…it really taught me acceptance,” Fox said in a recent interview. “It taught me a lot about taking life on life’s terms. And it opened up a way for me to be of service that I hadn’t imagined before.”
Michael is an inspiration to millions of people worldwide. His humor and unfailingly positive outlook are visible in everything he undertakes. And that gives us all hope — at a time when we need it most.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Salute to These Brave Ladies

Just want to take a moment to salute two brave ladies. In the wake of the tragedy at Fort Hood these ladies made a difference.
A big LEMONADE toast to these heroes.

Monday, November 2, 2009


"People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity." — President John Adams

Remember when times are tough - you are building character - take those lemons and make lemonade :^)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ticket for selling Lemonade?????

I read this story and thought how stupid, here is an industrious kid who already understands about 'making LEMONADE' to succeed in life and they're going to give her a ticket. Big thumbs down for the stupidity in that ticket. You go girl.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Life is Tough

"Life is's even tougher if you're stupid" - John Wayne
Yup, can't argue with that .

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Charlie Bown

Did anyone watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown"? Of course Charlie Brown is one of my favorite LOSERS. I love when they are trick or treating and everyone is saying what they got, and poor Charlie Brown keeps saying.... "I got a rock." Hey, make some LEMONADE - a rock garden is always nice :^)!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lemonade International

Here is a charity with a great name - Lemonade International. Transforms neighborhoods, raises awareness, provides humanitarian relief.... and check out their YouTube video while you're there.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Way Life Is.

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.................Make some LEMONADE!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

More Dr. Dyer

These are the 7 ways to eliminate excuses:
1)- Remove all labels
2)-Converse with your subconscious
3)-Practice mindfulness
4)-Commit to overcoming inertia
5)-Harness the power of affirmations
6)-Live in a supportive universe
7)-Don't complain and don't explain
Read the whole article here:

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Losing Streak Ends

We interrupt this blog to bring you news of an ended LOSING streak - "The second-longest losing streak in National Football League history officially ended Sunday(09/27/09) at 19 games, as the Lions hung on for a 19-14 victory, their first since the second-last game of the 2007 season." Link in here and read more about it.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Goodbye, Excuses

This is from the article I read in Bottom Line Personal: "W hen things don’t go our way, our subconscious minds offer up excuses. We try to pin our failures and bad habits on factors outside our control -- our genes... our upbringing... our busy schedules... our bad luck. We’re never really to blame. Escaping blame might make us feel better for a moment, but soon we start to accept our excuses as truths about who we are, what we are capable of and how the world works. Once this happens, excuses become mental viruses, limiting what we can accomplish." This explains how we end up with some of those LEMONS in our lives. Link in tomorrow and see what Dr. Dyer says about squeezing those LEMONS :^)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

More on Dr. Dyer

This is what really got me interested in what Dr. Dyer has to say. From his web site:
Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the “father of motivation” by his fans. Despite his childhood spent in orphanages and foster homes, Dr. Dyer has overcome many obstacles to make his dreams come true. Today he spends much of his time showing others how to do the same.
Talk about taking lemons and making lemonade, and now he motivates the rest of us to make some lemonade :^)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dr. Wayne Dyer

My friend Denise used to talk about Dr. Wayne Dyer, but I never got around to reading any of his books or hearing him speak. Now I just read an article called "Goodbye Excuses" in "Bottom Line Personal" magazine and I am eager to find out more. My 1st stop is his web site:
More on this topic tomorrow......

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Recovering From Failure

We all have failed at one time or another, but how do we get over it. Well, here is some advice from the magazine "Psychology Today" for overcoming failure:

  1. Try to look at it as an opportunity.
  2. Accept responsibility for any role you may have played.
  3. Do not blame yourself for things that were not your fault.
  4. Keep your sense of humor.
  5. Find a support group so you can vent (How about LOSER'S LEMONADE -we're listening).
  6. Be optimistic about the future.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Fell Asleep

I missed "How Did You Get So Rich", as I fell asleep. This week I am going to tape it. I really am interested in seeing what these people did to get rich and figure out what it is that I'm doing to stay so poor :^) !

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How Did You Get So Rich?

While I'm sure Joan Rivers is probably annoying on it (I still can't believe she won Celebrity Apprentice). I think it would be pretty neat to see some of the unusual ways that people made their money and may give the rest of of us ideas or some inspiration. I'm gonna watch Wed. Did anyone see the 1st show???????

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lemonade Recipes

OK - it is summertime and that is a good time to have some lemonade. So, here are some recipes for that great thirst quenching drink. Oh, and it is said that drinking lemonade can help prevent kidney stones - so drink up. If it is HOT or if you just want a cold drink than link in and enjoy.
or try this

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Seen this billboard or others like it? Check out today's post on The point I'm trying to make here is that we too often focus on how good things come to end, we forget that bad things come to end also. This billboard campaign is all about optimism in the face of the recession and we who think we are "LOSERS" need to start focusing on the positive and adopt an optimistic outlook. Lemonade lesson of the day - BE POSITIVE!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Hey, doesn't anybody have anything they want to say on this blog?????? Well tomorrow I'll have a new post for all of you.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Looking for Posts!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm still looking for my readers to start posting, don'be shy. I know you all have something to say.
Some of what the Dali Lama has to say in Wednesday's post reminds me of that old saying - "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no legs." We all get caught up in ourselves and need to put our problems in perspective. I think the Dali Lama gives us some good advice here and I truly would like to hear from anyone who has read his book.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

"The Art of Happiness"

I saw this in the NY Post (07-23-09) in CindyAdams Column - THE Dalai Lama's updated edition of "The Art of Happiness" will have this new introduction: "Today, mounting scientific data confirms the insight that, 'If you want others to be happy, practice compassion; if you want yourself to be happy, practice compassion.' Researchers on human happiness identify compassionate service to others as a key characteristic of the world's happiest people . . . the focus of our mind assumes a broader horizon within which we see our own petty problems in more realistic proportion. What previously appears too unbearable loses its intensity, which is often what makes our problems so overwhelming." I haven't read this book, but I plan to. Anyone who has read it, we want to hear some thoughts from you.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Baaaaaaack

OK, I know it has been quite some time since I posted, but I'm back and will be posting regularly. I think this can be a great blog, but I would love to hear from everyone who stops by. So, if you could leave at least one comment when you stop by, doesn't have to be anything long, just say something. Lets get started mixing some LEMONADE!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Susan Boyle - You Go Girl!!!!

Have you seen the YouTube video, everyone there is ready to laugh at her, but Susan Boyle shows us all how to make some Lemonade out of Lemons and she did it with class and style too. There is so much we can learn from this woman and what an appropriate song - "I Dreamed a Dream".

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Robin Sharma

I must admit I had never heard of this guy before, but this article; "How to Stay Focused and Inspired in Tough Times" is great. Each one of the 5 lessons here is a 'Recipe for making Lemonade' and for changing that 'Losers' mentality that has become a part of our life. I am going to have to read some of his books and then I will blog about those, but for now - READ the article and see what you get out of it. More on this tomorrow.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


My last post was for a movie that inspires me, today it is a song. "Stand" by Rascal Flatts - I love the song, the video and the lyrics. Listen and watch and see if it inspires you to "...get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off then you stand, then you stand."

Friday, April 3, 2009


I like to watch movies that inspire me, and one of those movies is "Rocky". I still get psyched watching the training scene. This movie is about Rocky Balboa, who could have been a member of the 'Losers Club' . The movie poster even said "His whole life was a million to one shot." How does he beat those odds? Hard work. Loser Lemonade Lesson of the day - WORK HARD! Watch this scene and get psyched to work hard.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Do You Know Where You Are Going?

"If you don't know where you are going, you'll probably end up somewhere else."Lewis Carroll

Have direction, have a goal, have a plan - they may change, but you should still have them; otherwise you'll waste time and energy wandering around aimlessly.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Oh, The Places You'll Go

As I stated in a previous post - READ! Have you ever read Dr. Seuss's "Oh, The Places You'll Go"? If you have, I'm going to suggest you reread it, if you've never read it then pick up a copy and read it. Written in that wonderful rhyming Seuss style, with his whimsical illustrations. It is a quick, fun read that sums up life's journey of highs and lows, ups and downs and continually urges us onward and upward. At one point we land in a slump, that place that we in the 'Losers Club' feel we permanently reside in. By the way it makes a great graduation gift. It'll put a smile on your face and give you some positive energy, so read it and get going places!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't Think...Link

In my last post I talked about my grandfather and how he learned sooooo much from reading. If he was alive today I am sure he would have a computer and would be an avid Internet searcher. There is great information on the Internet and that is why I have another blog. On that blog I make daily posts of links that I have found on the Internet that are fun, educational and useful. Could you find these sites on your own? ABSOLUTELY, but it would take time. Hey, it is a BIG World Wide Web out there, and I sort through it so you don't have to. Check out my other blog, I'd love to hear your comments.

Friday, March 20, 2009


My grandfather was a great man. I learned so many valuable lessons from him that I will continually share with all of you. He only went to the 8th grade in school, but he taught himself how to do many things, and he was as smart, and knowledgeable as many college graduates. How was all this possible? Simple, his schooling had taught him the basics and he was a voracious reader. The Lemonade Lesson for today - R-E-A-D!!!
The Literacy Site

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Born Loser

It is always good to be able to laugh at yourself and your predicament. Likewise, laughter is a great release. So, today I bring you a link to the comic strip - "The Born Loser". For those not familiar with the strip it is about lovable loser Brutus Thornapple who can't get a break, on the job, at home, or anywhere. Sound like anyone you know?

Anxiety - Our Wasted Thoughts.

These are precarious times and it is difficult not to be at least a little anxious. Today I have a quote for us to ponder, the words are relevant and wise.
"Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength" - Charles Spurgeon

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Snap out of it!

As I said in my 1st post I moved, and true to my L-O-S-E-R rep it hasn't turned out as planned. I moved to Michigan - the worst state right now to look for a job. I got here just as the economy tanked, the auto industry sputtered and the Detroit Lions went all season without a win. People have told me that this winter was the coldest and snowiest they have had here in years. I could nominate myself for President of 'The Losers Club', but I realize now - it is what it is. I didn't cause any of this and I am certainly not going to fix the economy, or the auto industry. I can't help the Lions win a game and I certainly have no control over the weather. I can waste time and energy brooding over my lousy luck, etc. or I can take Cher's advice from "Moonstruck" - "Snap out of it!"

Snap out of it Moonstruck (click here to check out the You Tube video)

SNAP - I'm going to suck it up, and take those lemons I've been handed and figure out how to make some lemonade out them. Lesson #1 - "Snap out of it!"

Friday, March 13, 2009

Making Lemonade

I thought that today Friday the 13th was the perfect day to launch this blog. The original idea for this came a few years ago, when a group of my friends and I were commiserating about our lousy luck, and how we must have a big L for L-O-S-E-R on our foreheads. So, we formed a 'Losers Club' to share our hard-luck stories and bonded to overcome our lot in life. I have since moved and now I want to share with them, and you, ways to be better, do better and succeed. As they say, "When life hands you lemons - make lemonade."