Sunday, March 15, 2009

Snap out of it!

As I said in my 1st post I moved, and true to my L-O-S-E-R rep it hasn't turned out as planned. I moved to Michigan - the worst state right now to look for a job. I got here just as the economy tanked, the auto industry sputtered and the Detroit Lions went all season without a win. People have told me that this winter was the coldest and snowiest they have had here in years. I could nominate myself for President of 'The Losers Club', but I realize now - it is what it is. I didn't cause any of this and I am certainly not going to fix the economy, or the auto industry. I can't help the Lions win a game and I certainly have no control over the weather. I can waste time and energy brooding over my lousy luck, etc. or I can take Cher's advice from "Moonstruck" - "Snap out of it!"

Snap out of it Moonstruck (click here to check out the You Tube video)

SNAP - I'm going to suck it up, and take those lemons I've been handed and figure out how to make some lemonade out them. Lesson #1 - "Snap out of it!"

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