Thursday, January 28, 2010

Scaling The Wall

Part of my LOSER mentality is I look around and realize - LIFE ISN'T FAIR! Here is the answer to that, and I found it in of all places a sitcom, a show from the late '70's, early '80's - "One Day at a Time."
The world is a ten foot wall. Some people don't seem to have much trouble getting over it. They've got everything going for them. They're strong, smart, they've got family to help them. Other people don't have it so easy. They're poor, uneducated, the wrong color, the wrong sex. Maybe they don't even know who their parents are, but if they're going to make it in life, they've got to get over that wall somehow. I'm sorry you didn't get many breaks in life. But those are the facts. Nodody is going to lower that wall. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop doing crazy things to get attention. Stop screwing up your life, and figure out a way to get over that wall.
Lemonade Lesson - Life isn't fair, don't ever forget it, but get on with your life!

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