Thursday, February 25, 2010

Joannie Rochette

If you've been following the Olympics than I am sure you have heard the sad news about Canadian figure skater Joannie Rochette and her mother's passing over the weekend. It was amazing to witness her short program Tuesday night, you could see the emotion in her performance and her sadness in her face. Her performance was courageous, inspiring and soulful. I don't know who will win tonight or how Joannie will skate tonight, but her short program will be one of those Olympic moments they talk about for decades. So, to you Ms. Rochette and in honor of your mom here is a pitcher of LEMONADE. For those of you who missed her performance, link in and be awed.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing performance in spite of tragic circumstances. Even if she doesn’t win a medal for her performance, Rochette deserves a gold medal for persevering through an extremely difficult time. Her story makes me want to watch her in figure skating just to see how she does in the rest of the Olympic competition.
